Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 2, The Fog

 I had all intentions of accompanying my son to All School Sing this morning, but my head was in such a fog. (TMI alert~I was also afraid to be too far from my toilet.)

I opted out on taking the next dose of the detox regimen with my morning pudding since my doctor said to back off if I didn't feel well.  I'd take one with my stir fry at lunch.

By mid-day however, all I wanted to do was sleep so I skipped that dose too. I dragged myself upstairs to collapse on the bed, adding an eye mask to block out the bright sun.  Afterward I planned to take a vigorous walk like I had the day before with Jess in order to do the requisite sweating.

But I felt just as tired after my nap as I had before it.  All I could manage was a convalescent stroll down to the pond where I squatted against a rock, and wished the ground wasn't damp so that I could lie down and go to sleep.

By the time I got back up my driveway, every horizontal surface appeared as a place for reclining and I had flash backs of my semester at college with mono.

 This must be the "retracing" that I read about online.  In some yet mysterious way, detoxing apparently releases old illness patterns.  I worried what would come next.  I certainly abused my liver in my hey day, growing up on an island town where drinking was a competitive sport.

By night fall, I had a miserable headache so I skipped the last dose of my protocol too, wondering if it was the pills or the dietary restriction that were causing this suffering.  I also began to question whether or not I would be able to continue with the cleanse--which given the investment at the doctor's office, and the pharmacy, and the return trip to the grocery store, would be a very costly failure that I couldn't afford.

Note: here's the detox supplement that my doctor prescribed for me:

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Thanks for adding your voice to the blog!