Friday, December 10, 2010

The Week After

Peppered Turkey Bacon with roasted quinoa & greens.
Several days after my "official" 21 day cleanse ended, I find myself returning to the diet over and over again, and not because my doctor told me so.

Sure, there was plenty of gluten-free talk tossed around at my follow up visit, but as I said to my friend, I refuse to attach to that identity--even if I did get a headache when I left the office and ordered a bagel for dinner.

What I do recognize is that I like the feeling of eliminating gluten and sugar and dairy and alcohol and caffeine and chocolate from my every day choices. That doesn't mean that I eliminate them altogether; but it's this freedom to "choose" that allows me to soften into the choice of caring for myself.

I felt the same way about my commitment to marriage twenty years ago. Knowing that I had a choice each day to go or to stay, made it possible for me to freely choose--every day. In fact, I don't think we said "till death do us part," but we'll never know because the videographer dropped the camera just as we said our vows.

Which brings me to a realization---it's not my promises, but my choices, that guide my life, and for now, it feels good to choose to cleanse my body of toxins, again and again.

And just like my marriage survived the fact that my husband DROPPED me over the threshold, my cleansing will continue in the face of the many times I choose to fall into the arms of chocolate, wine or wheat...

(Ps. here are some titles on the power of CHOICE)

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