Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 3, Migraine

Van Gogh,
The headache was there waiting when I woke at 2:30 am and when I woke at 6:30 am, upon which I decided to get out of bed and birth this blog so that I might make some sense out of this suffering before I bailed on it.

The truth is that I appreciate the restriction of the diet.  I appreciate the attention to my eating habits--to my ruts--and how it forces me out of them. Without sugar or salt or baked goods, I've been able to savor the delicacy of simple flavors. And this feels good, and right, and true.

On the upside of pain,the headache has been an excellent distraction from the mental and emotional anguish over the deprivation of food. And that makes me realize how pathetic I am, how entitled I've become around meeting my every craving; and how necessary this discipline is, despite and because of the pain.

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