Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 21, The LAST Day!!!!!

 I'm so proud of myself! AND I can't wait to freely indulge in all things alcohol, diary, wheat and CHOCOLATE!  

I don't know if anyone else is a symmetry lover, but if you are, notice that the first day of my cleanse was 11/11 and the last day, the 21st day, takes place on 12/1; Not to mention that I found out about my new job on the first day, while the last day heralds December, heralding the season of LIGHT, including the home of my birth day!

So much to celebrate... Thank you SO MUCH for sharing the journey!!  Please continue to share yours here with comments on the posts that connect most to you...

(Stay tuned for The Liver Cleanse, Part II after I see my doctor this Friday.  These are her books!)